Monday, March 19, 2012

~ ~ ~ Friends ~ ~ ~

Friends are a major part of everyone's life. Everyone has at least one friend, even the one's who get bullied. Which I don't really want to get into...
You need friends. When your sad, mad, or down, you need friends to cheer you up. Sometimes, you feel like you can't talk to know one, because they won't get you. But a best friend will always get you! When you talk to them, they'll understand. No matter what it is! Friends love you, no matter what happens. Sometimes you might get into a fight. Hopefully not phisical. But eventually, you'll make up. You always do. Friends are just, amazing. They're great to have to. (  Yes, even if they're virtual. ;)  )

Here, these are some of my friends, they love me, I love them. ;D
 P A N D A


Don't they look nice. :D F is for FRIENDS who do stuff together, U is for YOU and ME. You probably know the rest. Adios! Did I spell that wrong? ^o^

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