Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Hey Guys.

Well, this is my first post as you can see. I don't really know what to talk about... so I'll just say what's new. :3
Well, New crush ;)
New House, I think it's gonna come out pretty good this time :]
New friend. She's really nice, and I think you would like her :3
New Hater. (Sadly.) Drama drama drama :[
anddddd That's pretty much it. Oh, New band. ;) It's cool, you should check it out. The Reflections. Yeah, goofy name. Shaddap. >o>
Well, what's new with you? Comment below and tell me! I would love to read your stories. Also, how are you doing on the 2nd Anniversary Challenge? I gave up on it. xD Yeah yeah yeah, I'ma quitter. :|
Anyways, I'll be posting ALMOST daily. ;) I really got your attention with ALMOST didn't I? Yes, yes I did. I didn't? LIAR. D:<  Agoo' Bye Bye.

I'm shexy...

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