Sunday, July 29, 2012

A little about me

Yall need to know more about me.

1. Name - Pico Name: Zoey  Real Name: Tanna
2. Nickname - Banana
3. Elementary school - Yokayo Elementary School
4. Tall or short - Average
5. Sweats or jeans - (Outside) Jeans (Inside) Sweats
6. Orange or apple - Apples all the way.
7. Do you have a crush on someone - Nope
8. Eat or drink - Both, cuz I would like.. you know, die?
9. Piercings - Never.
10. Pepsi or coke - Coco Cola

Have you ever...
11. Been in an airplane ? Honestly, no. I drive to all my trips.
12. Been in a relationship ? Of course
13. Been in a car accident ? Almost
14. Been in a fist fight ? Yup

Firsts & lasts
15. First piercing -  Never had one.
16. First best friend - Isabella (Since kindergarten) And we're still friends. 10 years <3
17. First award - Kindergarten Graduation
18. First crush - Andy (Real life)
19. First word - Food
20. Last person you talked to in person - My dad .-.
21. Last person you texted - Isabella
22. Last friend you watched a movie with - Isabella & Ashley
23. Last food you ate -  Nutella Toast
24. Last movie you watched in theaters -  Spiderman 3
25. Last song you listened to - No Faith in Brooklyn - Hoodie Allen
26. Last thing you bought - Gum.
27. Last person you hugged - My dad when I went to my moms house

28. Food ? I like a lot of things.
29. Drink ? Rootbeer or Water
30. Flower ? White Rose
31. Animal ? Giraffe
32. Color ? Yellohh
33. Place ? Hawaii
34. Movie ? Real Steel
35. Subject? Home EC

Have you ever ...
36. Fallen in love with someone? Kinda
37. Celebrated Halloween? Of course
38. Went over the minutes/texts on your phone? Unlimited
39. Wanted to smack someone upside the head? Many times.
40. Eaten a whole pizza? No....
41. Did something you regret? Of course, everyone has.
42. Broke a promise? Honestly, yes
43. Hid a secret? Of course
44. Pretend to be happy? A lot of times..

Your future...
45. Want kids? Yeah, but like... :|
46. Want to get married? Yeahh
47. Career? Of course, then I would be on the streets.

Which is better in the opposite gender?
48. Lips or eyes - Eyes
49. Shorter or taller - Taller
50. Romantic or spontaneous- Both
51. Hook up or relationship- Relationship
52. Looks or personality- Looks don't matter. So I'd say personality

Have you ever...
53. Lost glasses/contacts? Never worn them.
54. Snuck out? Yeah
55. Held a gun/knife for self defense? Not for self defense.
56. Broke someones heart? Not that I know of.
57. Been in love? Kinda
58. Been arrested? No

Do you believe in;
59. Yourself; Kinda
60. Miracles; A little
61. Love at first sight; A wee bit
62. Santa; No
63. Forever & Always; No

64. Is there one person you want to be with right now: Yes :| But that's impossible.
65. Who your real friends are : You. Yeah, you. Reading this right now.
66. Who was the last person you texted : I already said, Isabella wait no.... scratch that. Thundar
67. Who is your best friend : Real Life: Isabella
68. Male you trust the most : Pico: DumDums         Real Life: My dad

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