Friday, July 27, 2012

Update on... Me?

This blog is for my Pico life, and my personal life, so let's keep you up to date on it! In real life, my brother's birthday is tomorrow, and we are going to a nice fancy restaurant, and after that we're going to see some fireworks with him, and my dad. Which will be really fun, because my brother kind of abandoned my dad, and this will be the first time they actually hang out together. So that's good.

The town fair is going to be in about five days, and I'm exited! But I'm also broke, so I have no clue how i'm going to get to go..

And in Pico life, the recent PCA just happened, and it was awesome, as always! I started using Gimp 2, and SAI Paint Tool, and I think i'm getting the hang of it. Obviously, I'm a beginner, but it's really fun to play with! That's all the time I have, and it's getting late, so Toodloo!~

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