Thursday, August 9, 2012

My new kitten is a freaking asshole. It's teething, and I don't like it. It keeps biting my foot and my head and jumping my my head and it's really annoying. Plus it makes my hair look like I just woke up. It literately SCRATCHED my EYEBALL. Yes. It's claw scratched my actually eye. Not eyelid, EYE. The kitten  It peed on my mom, which was amusing to see. It plays with everything in sight. It scratched my curtains down twice. And my mom won't buy a play toy whatcha-ma-call-it-thingys.

Anyways, the cover of the song to the right  --------------------------------------->
will be done soon. Since two songs both got 5 votes, which is a tie, I picked the one out of those two that I liked best. which is Enchanted. Sooo, stay tuned for that. Me and four friends of mine are doing a cooking show to the ever wonderful, Youtube viewers. We bake, and we're bored. So, we'll upload that soon on my channel: KEEPtheHEATE
or: TannaAndBella
My fingers are getting sore from typing so... Toodloo!~


Sunday, July 29, 2012

A little about me

Yall need to know more about me.

1. Name - Pico Name: Zoey  Real Name: Tanna
2. Nickname - Banana
3. Elementary school - Yokayo Elementary School
4. Tall or short - Average
5. Sweats or jeans - (Outside) Jeans (Inside) Sweats
6. Orange or apple - Apples all the way.
7. Do you have a crush on someone - Nope
8. Eat or drink - Both, cuz I would like.. you know, die?
9. Piercings - Never.
10. Pepsi or coke - Coco Cola

Have you ever...
11. Been in an airplane ? Honestly, no. I drive to all my trips.
12. Been in a relationship ? Of course
13. Been in a car accident ? Almost
14. Been in a fist fight ? Yup

Firsts & lasts
15. First piercing -  Never had one.
16. First best friend - Isabella (Since kindergarten) And we're still friends. 10 years <3
17. First award - Kindergarten Graduation
18. First crush - Andy (Real life)
19. First word - Food
20. Last person you talked to in person - My dad .-.
21. Last person you texted - Isabella
22. Last friend you watched a movie with - Isabella & Ashley
23. Last food you ate -  Nutella Toast
24. Last movie you watched in theaters -  Spiderman 3
25. Last song you listened to - No Faith in Brooklyn - Hoodie Allen
26. Last thing you bought - Gum.
27. Last person you hugged - My dad when I went to my moms house

28. Food ? I like a lot of things.
29. Drink ? Rootbeer or Water
30. Flower ? White Rose
31. Animal ? Giraffe
32. Color ? Yellohh
33. Place ? Hawaii
34. Movie ? Real Steel
35. Subject? Home EC

Have you ever ...
36. Fallen in love with someone? Kinda
37. Celebrated Halloween? Of course
38. Went over the minutes/texts on your phone? Unlimited
39. Wanted to smack someone upside the head? Many times.
40. Eaten a whole pizza? No....
41. Did something you regret? Of course, everyone has.
42. Broke a promise? Honestly, yes
43. Hid a secret? Of course
44. Pretend to be happy? A lot of times..

Your future...
45. Want kids? Yeah, but like... :|
46. Want to get married? Yeahh
47. Career? Of course, then I would be on the streets.

Which is better in the opposite gender?
48. Lips or eyes - Eyes
49. Shorter or taller - Taller
50. Romantic or spontaneous- Both
51. Hook up or relationship- Relationship
52. Looks or personality- Looks don't matter. So I'd say personality

Have you ever...
53. Lost glasses/contacts? Never worn them.
54. Snuck out? Yeah
55. Held a gun/knife for self defense? Not for self defense.
56. Broke someones heart? Not that I know of.
57. Been in love? Kinda
58. Been arrested? No

Do you believe in;
59. Yourself; Kinda
60. Miracles; A little
61. Love at first sight; A wee bit
62. Santa; No
63. Forever & Always; No

64. Is there one person you want to be with right now: Yes :| But that's impossible.
65. Who your real friends are : You. Yeah, you. Reading this right now.
66. Who was the last person you texted : I already said, Isabella wait no.... scratch that. Thundar
67. Who is your best friend : Real Life: Isabella
68. Male you trust the most : Pico: DumDums         Real Life: My dad

Friday, July 27, 2012

Update on... Me?

This blog is for my Pico life, and my personal life, so let's keep you up to date on it! In real life, my brother's birthday is tomorrow, and we are going to a nice fancy restaurant, and after that we're going to see some fireworks with him, and my dad. Which will be really fun, because my brother kind of abandoned my dad, and this will be the first time they actually hang out together. So that's good.

The town fair is going to be in about five days, and I'm exited! But I'm also broke, so I have no clue how i'm going to get to go..

And in Pico life, the recent PCA just happened, and it was awesome, as always! I started using Gimp 2, and SAI Paint Tool, and I think i'm getting the hang of it. Obviously, I'm a beginner, but it's really fun to play with! That's all the time I have, and it's getting late, so Toodloo!~

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Suprise Suprise!

Good news! I'm back on with posting, and I've been drawing, singing, a lot of things recently. I'm trying to find a hobby other than sit around on the computer all Summer! I think i'm gonna post a video of me singing later, but I have to record it. I'm gonna make a poll on which song I should sing! VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!

I love you all, even though only 16 of you follow my blog, and probably none of that 16 read it, I figured I'd advertise everywhere I can. AmePico, Facebook, Ameba Pico, you know, the internet.

As much as i'd like to update you on my boring life, I'm gonna start recording! Toodloo~

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

My 3 favorite outfits:

Now, the OTHER outfits I love (5 Max, I put 4.)

Monday, March 19, 2012

~ ~ ~ Friends ~ ~ ~

Friends are a major part of everyone's life. Everyone has at least one friend, even the one's who get bullied. Which I don't really want to get into...
You need friends. When your sad, mad, or down, you need friends to cheer you up. Sometimes, you feel like you can't talk to know one, because they won't get you. But a best friend will always get you! When you talk to them, they'll understand. No matter what it is! Friends love you, no matter what happens. Sometimes you might get into a fight. Hopefully not phisical. But eventually, you'll make up. You always do. Friends are just, amazing. They're great to have to. (  Yes, even if they're virtual. ;)  )

Here, these are some of my friends, they love me, I love them. ;D
 P A N D A


Don't they look nice. :D F is for FRIENDS who do stuff together, U is for YOU and ME. You probably know the rest. Adios! Did I spell that wrong? ^o^

Friday, March 16, 2012


Now that I'm thinking sober
Don't you try to get no closer
I'm just gonna get in my car and drive, and drive
Looking in the rearview mirror
Everything is so much clearer
Watch me wave it all goodbye, goodbye

The light's flashing, giving me all the danger signs
Someone to save, to save
But it don't work that way

Think you made your greatest mistake
I'm not gonna call this a break
Think you really blew it this time
Think you could walk on such a bad lie
Won't be taking the midnight calls
Ignoring the rocks you throw at my wall
I see it written in your face
You know you made it
Your greatest mistake

When the last straw is broken
When the last door is closing
I ain't that dumb to stick around, stick around
I ain't got the time for looking back
Gonna let yourself slip through the cracks
And you just keep going down, down, down

I'mma stay undercover
Lay low for some time
No one to save, to save
These six I closed overplayed

Think you made your greatest mistake
I'm not gonna call this a break
Think you really blew it this time
Think you could walk on such a bad lie
Won't be taking the midnight calls
Ignoring the rocks you throw at my wall
I see it written in your face
You know you made it
Your greatest mistake

Why you lookin' at me, spittin' the same old line?
Tryin' to creep back
Ain't no flippin' my mind
Don't you get it by now?
The story's over, over
Still callin' my name outside my house
I'm hittin' the switch
Watch the lights go out
Watch the lights go out

I hope you ache, oh, oh
I hope you ache, oh, oh

Think you made your greatest mistake
I'm not gonna call this a break
Think you really blew it this time
Think you could walk on such a bad lie
Won't be taking the midnight calls
Ignoring the rocks you throw at my wall
I see it written in your face
You know you made it
Your greatest mistake.


      Why? Why do you do it? Does it make you feel good? Does it make you proud to put someone on the ground like that? Does it make you feel tougher? We're you bullied too? Why? Why? WHY???

       If your sitting there at your computer/laptop thinking: Why is this chick saying I bully? Because you do. Whoever you are, you bully. You've at least bullied someone ONCE on Ameba Pico, bringing them down so they feel like they're unwanted. You think i'm innocent? Think again. I've bullied many times in my Pico life. Sure, it feels like it doesn't hurt anyone because it's through the computer. It FEELS that way. But that's not true. Cyberbullying is even worse than bullying in real life. You know why? Because they just got put down by someone who doesn't even know them. They think whatever you're making fun of is obvious to see, even from a stranger. People are bullied if they don't have ameba gold, if they're virtually ugly, if they say something you think is retarded. Some people do it to get known. Some people do it so they're friends will like them more. MOST people do it because they've been bullied too in their lifetime. I have. I've actually gone through some very rough times because of bullying.

        Bullying starts. The victim starts to get bad grades, they drop out of school, they phisically hurt people who bullied them. They might even kill the person. Then, guess what it finally leads to? Suicide. I feel sorry for the "newbs" (I like to call them beginners) when I'm walking around the town, looking at different people, and there's a "beginner" sitting on a bench or something, minding their own god damn buisness, when someone with Ameba Gold walks up and says something mean. I've been sitting in the Beginner Park about an hour ago, and I coppied a conversation I saw. I'll paste it for you.

(15:53) нιℓαяץ. . .: >.>
(15:53) veronica 123: hi
(15:53) нιℓαяץ. . .: dont tlk to meh
(15:53) veronica 123: ok
(15:54) нιℓαяץ. . .: stfu
(15:54) veronica 123: im not talking
(15:54) veroncia 123: :(
(15:54) нιℓαяץ. . .: bish

~~~~~~HILARY WALKS AWAY~~~~~~~

See? That conversation wasn't NEARLY as bad as the one's i've seen before. Is cyberbullying getting better? No. But it could. If ALL of you just stop it there won't be a problem. But It's almost dinner time, and you're probably sick of me, so I'm gonna go :3
Agoo' Bye Bye
~Z o e y

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Hey Guys.

Well, this is my first post as you can see. I don't really know what to talk about... so I'll just say what's new. :3
Well, New crush ;)
New House, I think it's gonna come out pretty good this time :]
New friend. She's really nice, and I think you would like her :3
New Hater. (Sadly.) Drama drama drama :[
anddddd That's pretty much it. Oh, New band. ;) It's cool, you should check it out. The Reflections. Yeah, goofy name. Shaddap. >o>
Well, what's new with you? Comment below and tell me! I would love to read your stories. Also, how are you doing on the 2nd Anniversary Challenge? I gave up on it. xD Yeah yeah yeah, I'ma quitter. :|
Anyways, I'll be posting ALMOST daily. ;) I really got your attention with ALMOST didn't I? Yes, yes I did. I didn't? LIAR. D:<  Agoo' Bye Bye.

I'm shexy...